Auto Manifesto

June 15, 2009

Hitachi Improves EV Batteries

Hitachi is now up to the 4th generation of its lithium ion batteries. They are claimed to be 50% more powerful than the current version, and will be shipping samples to automakers this fall for evaluation. The company hopes to have them in mass production circa 2013.

Earlier this year GM ordered 100,000 battery packs from Hitachi for hybrid vehicles.

Source: Automotive News

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June 20, 2008

Lithium Ion Knocking On the Door

It looks like lithium ion will be mainstream early next decade. Toyota already has a team looking for post-lithium technology, plug-In vehicles from OEMs will start coming on line around 2010 (Toyota, GM, Nissan, Mitsubishi, Nissan/Renault, etc), and a bunch of players are positioning themselves for when automotive Li-Ion batteries are big time. Note to industry: Make sure to build a recycling infrastructure as well.

Automotive News reported this week Bosch and Samsung have formed a joint venture to make lithium ion batteries for hybrid vehicles. The plan calls for investments of $20 million initially, and an additional $500 m over the next 4 to 5 years. The goal is to eventually capture 30% of the hybrid vehicle battery market.

The location for a plant has not been decided, though the plan is to initially produce battery cells and power packs by 2011.
Samsung presently makes li-ion batteries for computers and consumer electronics.

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